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It's as easy as 1-2-3!

Thousands of innovators and script writers are unable to fulfill their vision for video mockups.

Some platforms may exist for script and video generation, but the market lacks a true all-in-one solution to your film needs

We solved this problem.

  • 1.
    Spark of genius
    The first step is to have your big idea. This could be a script, a vision, or just a prompt.
    A thinking monkey

  • 2.
    Edit the script
    Pixelscript uses your prompt to generate a script. You can then refine the script to your liking.
    Paper and pencil

  • 3.
    Hit generate!
    Once you're happy with your script, you can hit generate. Pixelscript will then produce a video for you.
    two people jumping with joy

  • Done